Archive for June, 2010

Long time, no news.

Posted in Uncategorized on June 5, 2010 by abunny13

Alright, I know my Senior Exit Project is well over and everything, but I just wanted to post something else right now.  Alright, I’ve probably said this like a million times, but once you start think about my theory of extraordinary man, great men, and stuff like that, it becomes nearly impossible to stop! Every movie I watch and every book I read contains some sort of extraordinary figure (most often the main character) and has at least one good quote that seems to perfectly relate to my past project.  Sometimes I do feel like it ruins some things for me, but other times it actually amplifies the experience.  Looking for those quotes makes me focus more on the movie or book and I start to catch more things than before. Anyways…

The other day my friends and I went to go see the new movie The Prince of Persia, and unfortunately I am cursed to point out the amazing examples of men who have the ability to be great versus the men who have no ability.  It’s terrible too, because there are some awesome quotes in the movie that would have been very helpful in my paper, not that I really needed any more sources.  I tried to obtain the exact quotes from the script that was leaked several months ago to show you people, but that script is nothing like the actual movie and doesn’t even have the scene I was fascinated by.  So, if you want to know what The Prince of Persia’s take on the matter is, you’ll either have to go see the movie yourself, or wait until it comes onto DVD and the real script surfaces.  But back to the movie, so i can’t remember parts of the scene for some reason, but it discusses how good men stay at the wall or gate of the city and don’t listen to the advice of others, while truly great men take everything into account and do whatever it takes to get the job done.  Yeah, maybe it wasn’t that specific, but that’s at least what I got out of it.

But, other than that, I don’t really have much else to say.  I got an ‘A’ on my project, so YAY!, but that hardly means I’m done with this topic.  I will probably always remember all the research I did and be forced to find more and more examples of people in history and fantasy. So, until I find another good source or have something else to say…

See ya!