Archive for cops

Rather convenient

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on January 31, 2010 by abunny13

So Friday night I was hanging with my friends Tom and John, and John wanted to show us a movie that he said would “corrupt your mind”.  Now I’m not just sharing this with all of you (all 2 people who have actually seen this blog) because I want to show that I really do have friends and I know a few guys, but because the movie we watched actually has relevance to my project.  Now, I’m warning you now, this movie is very inappropriate for most people and I wouldn’t recommend it to many people at all.  So, I have all the links set up but this is one source that some people probably shouldn’t check out and should just take my word on it. 

We watched the movie The Devil’s Rejects which Rob Zombie directed and in this movie, there is a very messed up family who goes around and kills people for no reason.  The movie begins with the cops surrounding this family’s house and attempting to capture them and put them in jail.  However, most of the family get’s out and continue to wreak havoc.  I don’t want to give away the whole story, not that many of you would care, but there always is that one person…, but anyways, there is this cop in the film that is completely obsessed with catching these murderers.  As a cop, one would think he would be the hero of the movie, but because he is bent on revenge and not so much justice, he is an excellent example of someone (yes, another white male) who goes too far. 

He starts out the movie seeming like a normal, everyday cop, but soon the memories of his brother’s murder (done by the family the movie follows) convince him to step over the laws and his police duties and murder the murderers.  Honestly, I could have seen killing these people as a necessity if he would have just gone that far.  However, just killing wasn’t enough for him.  Once he found the “Devil’s Rejects”, and used crime to find them too, he insisted on torturing the family with a disregard to everything lawful and decent.

He claimed that there was “no line” in life and  he could do whatever he wanted to to avenge his brother.  I completely disagree, there is a line in life and this cop didn’t just step over it, he jumped 100 miles over the line and just became crazy.  He became as bad as the murderers he was trying to rid the world of.  If he would have done his duty and stayed within his rights, he would have been the hero of the story.  But because he did what he did, one could actually see him as the villain.  I felt worse for the murderous family than I did that cop.

Anyways, since I’m pretty much only using literary texts and movies to support my ideas, this is my blog about a source.  It’s not one I planned on using, but after viewing this film on Friday I was excited to find another example of going too far that helped prove my thesis that there is a line that even heroes or extraordinary men can’t cross and still be seen as “good”.